Sunday, February 13, 2011

Sorry Its Been so Long.

So last week's storm didn't work out as planned. I should have stuck with my initial forecast. The upper air wind flow was just not set up for a snowstorm over the western Carolinas. Even with the storm moving in faster than forecast and the presence of a jet streak developing ahead of the storm, so much dry air was in place that by the time the precipitation moistened up the atmosphere enough to reach the ground, all the precipitation was east of the area. From what I can tell 1-2" fell on the western slopes a dusting for most and hardly anything in the foothills and Piedmont.

Anyways, enough with the cold talk. After Tuesday of this week a huge warming trend will be starting and from what I can tell on the models our winter pattern has broken. Mild/dry weather is with us as far as the eye can see.

Tonight, I will blog again and show a graphic of the next 10-15 days and beyond that why I think winter will make a comeback in March. I will also talk about what I expect for summer and the next several winters.

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